New paper on model-augmented monitoring of cardiovascular physiology during general anesthesia

Collaborative work between Dpt of Anesthesia and Critical Care of Lariboisiere Hospital in Paris and M3DISIM Inria team, in addition supported by international partners from the TOFMOD Associated Team (UTSW Medical Center Dallas and King's College London), was published in PLOS ONE (link to the open access paper). The proof-of-concept Continue ReadingNew paper on model-augmented monitoring of cardiovascular physiology during general anesthesia

New paper on non-rigid registration of image series to map myocardial fibrosis, in the scope of TOFMOD associated team

Collaborative work between Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague and M3DISIM Inria team in the scope of TOFMOD, was accepted for publicaton in Series S of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, preprint available via HAL. The paper presents non-rigid spatial registration of the Continue ReadingNew paper on non-rigid registration of image series to map myocardial fibrosis, in the scope of TOFMOD associated team

New paper on coupling between modeling of large vessel flow and magnetic resonce in the scope of TOFMOD associated team

Collaborative work between M3DISIM Inria team, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague and Czech Technical University in Prague, in the scope of TOFMOD associated team, was published in Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. The paper presents combining of MR image data from an experiment performed Continue ReadingNew paper on coupling between modeling of large vessel flow and magnetic resonce in the scope of TOFMOD associated team

New paper on Fontan circulation modeling in the scope of TOFMOD associated team

Collaborative work between M3DISIM Inria team, St Thomas' Hospital King's College London and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, in the scope of TOFMOD associated team, was published in PLOS ONE. The paper presents a biomechanical modeling framework, which contributes to the characterization of early-stage heart failure in single-ventricle Continue ReadingNew paper on Fontan circulation modeling in the scope of TOFMOD associated team

New paper on relaxed growth

Martin Genet just published a paper in Clinical Biomechanics, introducing a new framework for controlling growth-induced residual stresses in the context of the kinematic growth approach (i.e., multiplicative split of deformation gradient), through an additional relaxation step.

(Closed) PhD on Multi-Scale Modeling of Lung Poromechanics

Context & Objectives The lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system in humans and many animals, responsible for molecular exchanges between external air and internal blood through mechanical ventilation. It has an extraordinary complex architecture, with the inherent fractal structure of the bronchial and blood vessel trees, as Continue Reading(Closed) PhD on Multi-Scale Modeling of Lung Poromechanics

2019 arrivals

It's fall! Time for M3DISIM to welcome new doctoral fellows: Guillaume Baillif, MS, will be working with Frédérique Clément Jona Joachim, MD, will be working with Fabrice Vallée & Dominique Chapelle Jessica Manganotti, MS, will be working with Sébatien Imperial & Philippe Moireau Welcome to all and enjoy your time Continue Reading2019 arrivals

Jean-Marc Allain co-chair, Martin Genet plenary speaker @ upcoming Parisian Biomechanics Workshop

Jean-Marc Allain is co-chairing the upcoming workshop "Biomechanics from cells to tissues", which "aims to bring together engineers, physicists and life scientists working at the interface between mechanics, biology and medicine to exchange recent results and stimulate further interactions within the Paris-Saclay and broader Paris area.". Martin Genet will be Continue ReadingJean-Marc Allain co-chair, Martin Genet plenary speaker @ upcoming Parisian Biomechanics Workshop