ToFMod Associate Team Workshop 2018

When MRI meets Modeling

22nd June 2018 Inria Saclay-Ile de France

  • Meeting of researchers in biomechanical modeling, magnetic resonance imaging and clinicians organized by the ToFMOD Associate Team within the Inria Saclay M3DISIM team
  • Aim: Identify and discuss clinical questions and problems which are not sufficiently solved by current clinical techniques, and discuss whether some new inter-disciplinary methods could address them more efficiently
  • Keywords: cardiac modeling; therapy planning; diagnosis assistance; congenital and acquired heart disease; tetralogy of Fallot (ToF); Fontan circulation; ...


8:45-9:15: Welcome coffee

  • R. Chabiniok (Inria Saclay & King's College London): Introduction and aims of workshop

9:15-10:30:  Block I. of talks

  • D. Chapelle (Inria Saclay): Predictive cardiac modeling
  • P. Moireau (Inria Saclay): Data assimilation in biomechanics
  • T. Hussain (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas): Long-term follow-ups of Tetralogy of Fallot
  • M. Gusseva (Inria Saclay): Cardiac modelling for Tetralogy of Fallot

10:30-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:00 Block II. of talks

  • Kuberan Pushparajah (King's College London, St Thomas' Hospital): Multi-organ failure of patients with Fontan circulation
  • Irene Vignon-Clementel (Inria Paris): Blood flow simulations and congenital heart disease: a few examples of intervention planning
  • Bram Ruijsink (King's College London, St Thomas' Hospital): Cardiac modeling coupled with exercise-stress MRI: Model-augmented assessment of the Fontan failure phenotype
  • Sergio Uribe (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile): Quantification of hemodynamic using 4D flow MRI
  • Radek Galabov (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine IKEM, Prague): Coupling of phase-contrast imaging & fast simulation in large vessels by Lattice-Boltzman method

12-12:30 Coffee break II

12:30-13:30 Block III. of talks

  • Jaroslav Tintera (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine IKEM, Prague): New project in IKEM and Tech University Prague: Analysis of flow character and prediction of evolution in endovascular treated arteries by magnetic resonance imaging coupled with mathematical modeling
  • Joaquin Mura (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile): Local Pulse Wave Velocity: Towards a patient-specific continuous map construction
  • Martin Genet (Ecole Polytechnique): Finite element image correlation with finite strain equilibrium gap regularization using cardiac tagged and cine MRI
  • Christian Stoeck (ETH Zurich): In vivo myocardial DTI
  • Federica Caforio (Inria Saclay): In vivo assessment of biomechanical properties of cardiac tissue by elastography

The program is subject to mild-to-moderate modifications. 

13:30-14:00 Sandwich lunch & further discussions (incl. during the afternoon for those interested and available)

20:00-onwards: Social program downtown (Paris Prague Jazz Club, 18 Rue Bonaparte 75006)

List of confirmed attendees:  Lise Abiven (Ecole de Mines de Saint-Etienne), Yasaman Aghli (Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Palaiseau), Ezgi Berberoglu (ETH Zurich), Oscar Braize (ENSTA Paris), Federica Caforio (Inria Saclay), Jerome Diaz (Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Palaiseau), Ibrahim Ibrahim (IKEM Prague), Florian Joly (Inria Paris), Arthur Le Gall (Lariboisiere Hospital, Paris), Alexandra Hauguel (CHU Nantes), Hajer Methenni (CEA), Antoine Olive (Ecole Polytechnique Paris-Palaiseau), Sanjay Pant (University of Swansea), Cecile Patte (Inria Saclay), Fabrice Vallee (Lariboisiere Hospital, Paris)

Flyer of the event, please, distribute. 

  • How to get to Inria Saclay Alan Turing building: