Bruno Burtschell defended today his PhD thesis on "Mechanical modeling and numerical methods for poromechanics—application to myocardial perfusion" (in French)—congrats Bruno! The jury was composed of:
- Olivier Pironneau (UPMC, président du jury)
- Céline Grandmont (Inria, rapporteure)
- Wolfgang A. Wall (Technical University of Munich, rapporteur)
- Emmanuel De Langre (Ladhyx, École Polytechnique, examinateur)
- Anne-Virginie Salsac (CNRS, examinatrice)
- Dominique Chapelle (Inria, directeur de thèse)
- Philippe Moireau (Inria, directeur de thèse)
You can find his PhD thesis on TEL, as well as some literature on HAL: