Jean-Marc Allain

Mechanics Department & Solid Mechanics Laboratory (M3DISIM team)
École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France


Publications: see my ORCID page



Research Activities

My research focuses on the multiscale mechanics of biological tissues, using both experimental and theoretical approaches. I am in particular interested on how mechanical loadings are transfered from the macroscopic scale (at the size of the body) to the microscopic, cellular, scale, and how this induces a remodeling of the tissue in response. This is particularly interesting in the case of tissues with few cells, as dermis, cornea, bone, wood, biofilm and many others.


  • 2017: Professor, LMS, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
  • 2014: Research Habiliation, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris
  • 2006-17: Associated professor, LMS, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
  • 2005-06: Research associate, M. Dembo's group, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, USA
    Subject: Modelling of the Listeria propulsion
  • 2005: Ph.D. in Theoretical biophysics at LPS, ENS Paris.
    Advisor: Pr. Martine Ben Amar
    Subject:"Instabilité des membranes lipidiques inhomogènes" (in French)
  • 2002: MSc, Université d'Orsay
    Particle and nuclear physics
  • 2002: Eng. degree, ESPCI, Paris
    Fundamental and applied physics