New paper in Plant Methods
Martin Genet selected for ANR JCJC grant

Martin Genet's proposal for a young investigator (JCJC) grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR) on lung modeling was just accepted! Here is a summary of the project. It involves Dominique Chapelle & Phillipe Moireau from M3DISIM, as well as other colleagues: Aline Bel-Brunon & Ana-Maira Trunfio-Sfarghiu from LaMCoS/Insa-Lyon, Continue ReadingMartin Genet selected for ANR JCJC grant
New group photo!
Federica Caforio PhD Award
2019 interns
It's spring! Time for M3DISIM to host a few internships: Laura Wolff (Master student from Paris-Saclay University) will work on multiscale mechanics of blood clot with Jean-Marc Allain. Camille Declerck (Master student from ENSAM, on her way to Medical School) will work on cardiac muscle structure and mechanics with Jean-Marc Continue Reading2019 interns
New paper with MSU and ETHZ on Mechanical Regularization for Medical Image Registration

Title: Equilibrated warping: Finite element image registration with finite strain equilibrium gap regularization Authors: Martin Genet, Christian T. Stoeck, Constantin von Deuster, Lik Chuan Lee, Sebastian Kozerke Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel continuum finite strain formulation of the equilibrium gap regularization for image registration. The equilibrium gap Continue ReadingNew paper with MSU and ETHZ on Mechanical Regularization for Medical Image Registration
Martin Genet just received the Young Investigator Award from the Francophone Society of Biomechanics
2018 Interns
It's spring! Time for M3DISIM to host a few internships: Jérôme Diaz (Fourth year student at École Polytechnique within the Paris-Saclay University Biomechanical Engineering Master) will work on a cylindrical ventricular model with Martin Genet and Philippe Moireau. Chloé Giraudet (Master's student from Paris-Saclay University Biomechanical Engineering Master) will work Continue Reading2018 Interns
Nicole Tueni joins MΞDISIM
After completing her engineering studies at INSA, Lyon, France, and working in automotive industry for a few years, Nicole Tueni just obtained the Paris-Saclay University Master's degree in Biomechanical Engineering, and is starting her PhD studies in MΞDISIM. She will work on cardiac biomechanics with Martin Genet and Jean-Marc Allain. Continue ReadingNicole Tueni joins MΞDISIM